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X - Ray Left Upper Femur - Hip LAT View near me in Gurgaon
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Understanding X - Ray Left Upper Femur - Hip LAT View in Gurgaon
What is X - Ray Left Upper Femur - Hip LAT View in Gurgaon?
X-ray of the hip is an imaging technique that is used to see a clear view of the femur bones in the hip joint. The lateral view of the hip provides information to assess for any fracture of the hip bone, dislocations, bony malalignments, or degenerative conditions of the hip joint.
Your doctor may advise you to take an X-ray of the left upper femur of the hip when you met with an accident, fractured hip bone, or incase of excessive hip pain. While taking the X-ray itself is safe and painless, but you may have some discomfort if you had recent surgery or an injury. The overall test may take 15-20 minutes. You will be asked to wear a gown, remove any clothing and jewellery for the test.
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